LDAP import/export

Here you can import and export plain LDAP data. In contrast to file upload this operates on plain LDAP attribute level.


The LDAP import supports input data in LDIF format. You can provide plain text or upload an LDIF file.

The "Don't stop on errors" option will cause the import to continue even if entries could not be created.


Here you can export your plain LDAP data as LDIF or CSV file.

Base DN: this is the starting point of the export. Enter a DN or press the magnifying glass icon to open the DN selection dialog.

Search scope: You can export just the base DN, base DN + its direct children or the whole subtree.

Search filter: this can be used to filter the entries by specifying a standard LDAP filter. The preselected filter "(objectclass=*)" matches all entries.

Attributes: the list of attributes that should be part of export. "*" matches all standard attributes (excluding system attributes).

Include system attributes: this will also include system attributes like the entry creation time and creator's DN.

Save as file: will save to file instead of printing the data on the web page.

Export format: you can select LDIF or CSV (e.g. for usage in spreadsheet applications).

End of line: use the one appropriate for your operating system.